Monday, July 19, 2010

The Notorious "Down-Low"

One of the most controversial topics that arises when discussing HIV/AIDS is the "down-low." For those that do not know, the "down-low" refers primarily to males who publicly have wives and girlfriends, but privately have sexual relations with men. This topic is very sensitive and tends to charge people's emotions.

This past week, two popular television personalities went on the record and talked about the high HIV/AIDS rates in African-American women and attributed it to the "down-low men" that get the disease from other men and give it to their female companions. (Click the title for a link to the article.) Some people were angered by their comments and others agreed. I personally agreed with them to a certain degree. Because of the stigma in the Black community about homosexuality, many Black men sneak around and catch HIV unknowingly. They then bring it home and sleep with their wives and cycle continues...

How do you think the "down-low" is affecting the spread of HIV/AIDS in the African-American community?


  1. I think it is critical that this issue be addressed. I would agree that it is likely a large cause for many of the HIV cases we have now. I don't think that anyone is trying to place the blame on any group of people, however.

  2. I think the down low is more of a problem in bigger cities. Can it occur and become a problem in small cities? Yes. I think HIV/aids are more likely to spread in bigger cities because there are more people, meaning that there are a lot more people who participate in "down low" activities.

  3. i disagree, actually. I think that its more prevalent in smaller towns than big cities. A big reason for that is the stigma against homosexuality in general. Its much less likely to be an issue in a larger city than a smaller town. Therefore, people are less likely to hide their sexuality. in more urban environments. But, I do agree that the fact that there are more people in the cites may make it easier to spread more rapidly.

  4. I think both of you are right in different ways. The stigma of homosexuality is present in both big and small towns. In small towns, however, it would far more difficult to have secret sexual relations because of the close proximity of the members of the community. In a city, though, it is much easier for one to live what some may call a "double-life." People on the other side of a city may not even know about a person's public persona in a different area of the same city.
