Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Today is National African Immigrant and Refugee HIV and Hepatitis Awareness Day

Today (Sept. 9) is National African Immigrant and Refugee HIV and Hepatitis Awareness Day (NAIRHHA Day). Over the past 20 years, the African Immigrant community in the U.S. has grown to over 1.6 million. In Illinois from 2011-2015, approximately 1,350 refugees have been resettled, and many African immigrants have settled in the state.  
The purpose of NAIRHHA Day is to bring national and local attention to the HIV and viral Hepatitis needs of African immigrants living in the U.S. in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner.
Test your knowledge and see what you know about NAIRHHA Day.
  1. If not treated, Hepatitis B can lead to cirrhosis, liver failure, or liver cancer.
True or False

  1. African Immigrants are at decreased risk for Hepatitis B.
True or False

  1. Although HIV diagnosis rates among African-born populations in the US are 6 times higher than other populations, they have lower mortality rates after diagnosis.
True or False
  1. Nearly 1.4 million are infected with Hepatitis B, and 2% of those infected are African Immigrants.
True or False
  1. Compared to U.S. born blacks, African immigrants are more likely to be diagnosed with AIDS within 5 years of HIV diagnosis, due to less access to care, delayed screenings, etc.
True or False
  1. Stigma, language, and cultural barriers results in higher HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis rates among African born people in the U.S.

True or False

1. true
2. false, African Immigrants are at increased risk for Hepatitis B
3. true
4. false, Nearly 1.4 million are infected with Hepatitis B, and 10% of those infected are African Immigrants.
5. false, Compared to U.S. born blacks, African immigrants are more likely to be diagnosed with AIDS within 1 year of HIV diagnosis, due to less access to care, delayed screenings, etc.
6. true

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