Monday, July 26, 2010

New Anti-HIV Gel For Women Cuts AIDS Virus Transmission Chances in Half, Study Says

I saw this article last night and was really excited.

Just the ideal of something so efficent is pretty phenomenal. If a thing like this can begin to make its way around the globe and be a part of every woman's visit to the gynecologist, then a considerable difference would be made.

I do think that it is more important to get it to women abroad who don't have the alternative options of prevention that we do first. Places where condoms and birth control are out of the question, this gel can still be used. Because it cant be detected and doesn't have to be changed, women can keep it private that they have it.

I hope that this becomes available for all women, and hopefully soon for men too.

1 comment:

  1. This is incredibly hopeful news! I looked over the article and the link to the scientific study and it is clear that this study could portentially be a stepping stone to reversing the dangerously high rates of HIV in Sub-Saharan African Women. Because of cultural barriers, these women often do not have the authority to command condom use from their partners, but a gel like this could empower women to protect themselves.
